我在下面有这个 jQuery 游戏,它是用 aspx 制作的,它的间隔是 3000。

$(document).ready(function () {
    var interval;                                    //start timer
    interval = setInterval(function () {             //write timer function
        var num1 = parseInt($("#Label1").html());    //number1 is my label1
        var num2 = parseInt($("#Label3").html());    //number2 is my label3
        var total = num1 + num2;                     //find total of these two
        var entry = parseInt($("#TextBox1").val());  //the number your enter is entry
        if (entry == total)                          //the timer will check every 100 ms if they match
            $(".car").css("left", "+=25px");         //if they match, move the car 25 px to the right
            $('#Button1').trigger('click');          //and trigger button1, so button1 throws new dice and car doesn't move further
    }, 3000);

我希望间隔脉冲检查数字是否匹配并沿 x 轴移动 .car div。但是,我得到每 3000 毫秒指定一个新随机变量的冲动,而不是检查条目和总 var 是否相等,然后将 car += 25 px 向右移动。为什么会这样?


1 回答 1



if (entry == total){              //the timer will check every 100 ms if they match
    $(".car").css("left", "+=25px");  //if they match, move the car 25 px to the right
    $('#Button1').trigger('click');   //and trigger button1, so button1 throws new dice and car doesn't move further
于 2013-09-16T17:21:13.540 回答