
我将设置保存在 .plist 文件中并applicationDidFinishLaunching像这样加载它们:

// AppDelegate.m

- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    if (!self.settingsWindow) {
        self.settingsWindow = [[SettingsWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"SettingsWindow"];

    [[Settings sharedSettings] load_settings]; // My Singleton Class where I store Settings

    [self loadup_settings]; // Here I load up the settings, saved somwhere in a property list file.


- (void) loadup_settings

    field_username.stringValue = [[Settings sharedSettings] username];
    field_password.stringValue = [[Settings sharedSettings] password];
    server_id.title = [[Settings sharedSettings] server_id];
    server_language.title = [[Settings sharedSettings] server_language];

    // here I set the stringValue of the fieldUserAgent. But now when I want to
    // show the window, the stringValue is empty. Why is that?
    self.settingsWindow.fieldUserAgent.stringValue = [[Settings sharedSettings] user_agent];


- (IBAction) openSettingsWindow:(id)sender
    // show settings window on button click. but fieldUserAgent is empty :(
    [self.settingsWindow showWindow:self];


1 回答 1


试试这样: -

在你的 SettingsWindowController.m 类里面 - (void)windowDidLoad 方法设置值: -

- (void)windowDidLoad
    self.userAgent.stringValue=[[Settings sharedSettings] user_agent];
    [super windowDidLoad];

// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
于 2013-09-16T15:58:34.803 回答