  • 第二个构造函数是接收两个参数,productName 和quantity。productName 参数将分配给类的 productName 实例变量。数量参数将被传递给 testQuantity 方法。在此之后,应通过 productName 参数调用 getPrice 方法。仅当订单有效时才需要调用计算方法

  • 第三个构造函数是接收三个参数,productName、数量和折扣。
    productName 参数将分配给类的 productName 实例变量。testQuantity、getPrice 和 testDiscount 方法都需要调用并传入所需的参数。仅当订单有效时才需要调用计算方法。


public Order() { 
        isValidOrder = false;
        message = "**ERROR** Order number cannot be totalled as no details have been supplied.";

  public Order(String productName, int quantity){  
      this.productName = productName;
      this.quantity = quantity;

      if(isValidOrder != false){


public Order(String productName, int quantity, int discount){ 
    this.productName = productName;

      if(isValidOrder != false){

private String getOrderDetails(){
    message = message;
    if(isValidOrder == true && isDiscounted == false){

        message = "Order Number: " + quantity + "\n" + "Product Name; " + productName + "\n" + "Product Price: $" + price + "\n" + "Order Quantity: " + quantity + "\n" + "Total Price: $" + total;  

    } else if(isValidOrder == true && isDiscounted == true){

        message = "Order Number: " + quantity + "\n" + "Product Name; " + productName + "\n" + "Product Price: $" + price + "\n" + "Order Quantity: " + quantity + "\n" + "Total Price: $" + total;  
    }  else {
        return message;  
    return message; 

1 回答 1




 public class Order {

//Constructor 2
public Order(String productName, int quantity) {
this.productName = productName;//Get the name
this.quantity = testQuantity(quantity); //Get the total quantity
this.orderPrice =getPrice(productName, quantity);  //Get the price of the order
this.discountPrice = 0; //Should be set to a value, even though it won't be used in this    constructor
orderNum++;  //Another order in, up the count :)
displayOrder(productName, quantity, this.orderPrice, this.discountPrice);  //Show order details

//Constructor 3
public Order(String productName, int quantity, int discount) {
this.productName = productName; //Get the name
this.quantity = testQuantity(quantity); //Get the total quantity
this.orderPrice = getPrice(productName, quantity);  //Get the price of the order
this.discountPrice = testDiscount(discount, this.orderPrice); //Get the price if there is a discount

orderNum++; //Another order in, up the count :)
displayOrder(productName, quantity, this.orderPrice, this.discountPrice); //Show order details


private void displayOrder(String productName, int quantity, int orderPrice, int discountPrice){
if(discountPrice == 0){    //If the discount is 0 then there is no discount so the discount price is the same as the order price
    discountPrice = orderPrice;
// \n is called an escape character and when in a string creates a new line.
System.out.println("You have ordered: " + quantity + " " + productName + ("(s)")   //Number and name of item ordered
        + "\nTotal cost:  £" + orderPrice + "\nPrice with Discount (If applicable)=  £" +  discountPrice  //Order price and discount price displayed
        + "\nOrder number: " + orderNum +"\n"); //Order Number


private int testQuantity(int q){
//What you want to do in this method,
//For example
//System.out.println("You have ordered " + q + "Items");
return q;


private int testDiscount(int discount, int orderPrice){  //Will return a discounted price and store it in 'discountPrice' field
int reducedPrice = (orderPrice - discount);
return reducedPrice;

如果用户在总订单价格之外还有折扣,则返回折扣价格。两者都由您使用构造函数创建的 Order 对象持有

private int getPrice(String productname, int quantity){
int price = 0;
switch(productName){       //Switch so you can find what item ordered and allocate the correct price
//Add cases for different items?
case "Sweater":
price = 10;
price = 0;
    int totalPrice = price * quantity;  //Work out price by multiplying quantity of item by price determined by switch
return totalPrice;   


private String productName; //Name of product
private int quantity;       //Quantity ordered
private int orderPrice;     // The total order of the price
private int discountPrice;  //Somewhere to store the price of an order with a discount
private static int orderNum; //This is static so that you it can be referenced even if no orders     have been made 

public static void main(String[] args){ //Test the ordering
Order order1 = new Order("Sweater", 2);
Order order2 = new Order("Sweater", 2, 5);

从 'main' 方法创建两个订单来测试我们的应用程序。


于 2013-09-16T13:37:27.367 回答