
  • 登录视图'/login'
  • 主页视图'/home'
  • 登录主页视图'/dashboard'

当用户登录后导航到主页时,我想向他显示登录的主页。我试着给redirectUrl. $routeProvider如果我返回一个空字符串,它会留在页面上,如果它返回一个字符串,'/dashboard'那么它会重定向到仪表板。



var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate']);

myApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function AppConfig($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {

        // entry point, the main route of the app
        '/', {
            redirectTo: '/home'
        // home page, entrypoint when a user is not logged in.
        '/home', {
            redirectTo: function redirectHome() {
                // need to get the loggedInState here... preferably not on the window :p
                return (window.isLoggedIn) ? "/dashboard" : "";
            action: 'splash.home'
        // specific route to the login popup on the homepage
        '/login', {
            action: 'splash.home.login'
        // dashboard after being logged in
        '/dashboard', {
            action: 'base.dashboard'

持有用户状态的 UserService:

        function UserService($http) {

            // --- Service Variables. ------------------- //

            // url to the service that returns the logged in user details
            var userServiceUrl = '/user/data/me';

            // Store the current user.
            var User = {
                isLogged: false,
                apps: [],
                data: {}

            // --- Service Methods. ------------------- //

            // Return whether the user is logged in
            function isLoggedIn() {
                return User.isLogged;

            // Return the current user
            function getUser(fn) {
                fn = fn || function callback() {};

                if (!User.isLogged) {
                    return fetchUser(fn);
                } else {
                    return fn(User);

            // set the current user
            function setUser(user, loggedIn) {
                loggedIn = loggedIn || false;
                User.isLogged = loggedIn;
                User.data = user;

            // get the user from the server
            function fetchUser(fn) {
                $http.get(userServiceUrl).success(function onGetUserSuccess(data, status, headers, config) {
                    if (data.success) {
                        setUser(data.data, data.success);

                    if (fn !== undefined) {
                .error(function onGetUserError(data, status, headers, config) {
                    setUser({}, false);

            // --- Return Public API. ------------------- //

            return {
                isLoggedIn: isLoggedIn,
                getUser: getUser,
                setUser: setUser



还是我应该从 cookie 或其他系统中获取该信息?


1 回答 1


Change service by factory and inject it in your run block not in your config as dependency.

In fact if you want to use a service provider and not a facotry you have to attach your functions to this. If you use the return statement use a factory.

It should be works.

Another method is to use an httpInterceptor to know if the user is logged or not ... That's a common pattern. If you want to know ask and i'll explain you in details.

于 2013-09-16T12:38:15.697 回答