我正在将 Visual Basic 6.0 代码转换为 .NET 4.5。我有以下几行代码。你能告诉我它们是什么意思吗?
SQLMappingTables = " SELECT * FROM MappingTables " & _
" WHERE Group_Level = ? " & _
" AND Group_Code = ? " & _
" AND Code = ? "
Set Cmd_MappingTables = New ADODB.Command
Cmd_MappingTables.CommandText = SQLMappingTables
Cmd_MappingTables.CommandType = adCmdText
/// These are the line I do not understand
Set DefGroup_Level = Cmd_MappingTables.CreateParameter(, adChar, adParamInput, 1)
Set DefGroup_Code = Cmd_MappingTables.CreateParameter(, adChar, adParamInput, 15)
Set DefCode8 = Cmd_MappingTables.CreateParameter(, adChar, adParamInput, 3)