int main ()
int line,column,i,j;
int sortir = 1;
float nbr;
cout << "The number of column :";
cin >> column;
cout << "The number of lines: ";
cin >> line;
float matrice [column][line]; //creating my 2d array
for(i=0;i <= line;i++) //asking the user to put the numbers he wants in the 2d array
for(j=0;j <= column;j++){
cout << "Enter a number";
cin >> nbr;
matrice[j][i] = nbr;
return 0;
假设我做了一个 line = 1 和 column = 1 的数组,这使得(内存区域)[0,0] [0,1] [1,0] [1,1]。假设用户输入以下数字:
当我想向用户显示他在程序结束时输入的内容时:区域 [0][1] 和 [1][0] 显示相同的数字?
cout << matrice[0][0] = 1
cout << matrice[0][1] = 3 <-- why the f***
cout << matrice[1][0] = 3 <--His my for loop good?
cout << matrice[1][1] = 4