$t = array();
// $t['1'] represents the 'center' triangle in this basic example
$t['1'] = array(
'1', // One side of T1, which is an answer
'3-1', // Another side, this is a question
'2+1' // Final side, another question
// These cards go around the outside of the center card
$t['2'] = array(
'2-1' // This is a question on one side of T2, the other sides are blank
$t['3'] = array(
'2' // This is an answer on one side of T3, the other sides are blank
$t['4'] = array(
'3' // This is an answer on one side of T4, the other sides are blank
现在需要它做的,例如,“T1-S1 匹配 T2,T1-S2 匹配 T3,T1-S3 匹配 T4”。我已经尝试过了,到目前为止我所拥有的如下:
foreach ($t as $array) {
foreach ($array as $row) {
$i = 0;
while ($i <= 4) {
if(in_array($row, $t[$i])){
echo $row . ' matches with triangle ' . $i . '<br />';
1 matches with triangle 1
1 matches with triangle 2
2 matches with triangle 1
2 matches with triangle 3
3 matches with triangle 1
3 matches with triangle 4
1 matches with triangle 1
1 matches with triangle 2
2 matches with triangle 1
2 matches with triangle 3
3 matches with triangle 1
3 matches with triangle 4
如何使我的脚本工作,以便它输出“Ta-Sb 与 Tc-Sd 匹配”,其中 a 是三角形,b 是边,c 是它匹配的三角形,d 是它匹配的边,假设在每个数组中边的值是有序的?
此外,理想情况下,一旦匹配Ta-Sb with Tc-Sd
,它不应该匹配Tc-Sd with Ta-Sb