In my application I have four buttons and a few text labels. The text in the labels are defined through interface builder. I'm bad with words so I hope the code below is clear enough to point out what I'm trying to do.

- (void)viewDidLoad 

    [super viewDidLoad];

    //Default view loaded as defined in Interface Builder


- (IBAction)button_1_Pressed:(id)sender {

    // Programmatically Change text in Labels

- (IBAction)button_2_pressed:(id)sender {

    // Programmatically Change text in labels


- (IBAction)button_3_pressed:(id)sender {

    // Programmatically Change text in labels

- (IBAction)button_4_pressed:(id)sender {

    // Change text in labels back to the values when the view first loaded.
    // That is, to the text defined in Interface builder instead of changing 
    // it back programmatically. 

Or perhaps is there a way to reset/'restart' the view when button 4 is pressed?


2 回答 2



-(void)viewDidLoad {
    self.originalText = self.textField.text;

-(void)restore {
    self.textField.text = self.originalText;
于 2013-09-13T07:48:51.957 回答


于 2013-09-13T10:55:21.850 回答