In tchart I can set colors for all values of my piechart series except for the automatic generated otherslice. There is an "otherslice" property for the series but it has no color property. I tried setting all color properties available like seriescolor. The thing stays ugly green.

Edit: I'm now editing the same project on my laptop and where the otherslice on my home computer is that bright pain in the eyes green on my laptop it is olive green, so something must be able to influence the color. I've also tried to change all mentiones of color in the dfm form file as text with no result.


1 回答 1


这可以通过 OtherSlice.Color 属性实现:

  Series1.AddPie(15, '', clRed);
  Series1.AddPie(7, '', clYellow);
  Series1.AddPie(9, '', clGreen);
  Series1.AddPie(11, '', clWhite);
  Series1.AddPie(5, '', clBlack);
  Series1.AddPie(3, '', clPurple);


由于默认调色板,不同计算机中的颜色可能会发生变化。当前的默认调色板是 Opera,而您的桌面可能仍具有旧的默认调色板集。您可以在图表上右键单击更改此设置,转到选项 -> 新图表。

于 2013-09-13T09:32:21.160 回答