我需要创建一个相似度矩阵,下面的代码就是我目前所拥有的。但是,结果不是我需要的。该代码返回一个有 16 行的矩阵,它是文档术语矩阵中的 8 个唯一术语与工作标题中的 2 个唯一术语的乘积。
我需要的是一个只有 4 行(每个标题一个)的矩阵,每一行表示 workTitle 中每个单词与标题中每个术语之间的编辑距离之和。
workTitle <- c("biomechanical engineer")
titles <- c("train machinist", "operations supervisor", "pharmacy tech", "mechanical engineer")
# create Corpus and a document-term matrix from the titles
titleCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(titles))
titleDtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(titleCorpus)
# print out the document-term matrix
# calculate edit distance between every word from the test_var and the column names in the document-term matrix
d <- apply(titleDtm, 1, function(x) {
terms <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(workTitle), " "))
adist(colnames(titleDtm), terms)
1 2 3 4
[1,] 11 11 11 11
[2,] 8 8 8 8
[3,] 3 3 3 3
[4,] 9 9 9 9
[5,] 11 11 11 11
[6,] 11 11 11 11
[7,] 10 10 10 10
[8,] 11 11 11 11
[9,] 0 0 0 0
[10,] 7 7 7 7
[11,] 8 8 8 8
[12,] 9 9 9 9
[13,] 8 8 8 8
[14,] 8 8 8 8
[15,] 7 7 7 7
[16,] 6 6 6 6