谷歌距离矩阵 说:
Usage Limits
Each query sent to the Distance Matrix API is limited by the number of allowed elements, where the number of origins times the number of destinations defines the number of elements.
The Distance Matrix API has the following limits in place:
100 elements per query.
100 elements per 10 seconds.
2 500 elements per 24 hour period.
Google Maps API for Business customers have higher limits:
625 elements per query.
1 000 elements per 10 seconds.
100 000 elements per 24 hour period.
Maps API for Business customers can purchase additional quota by contacting their Google Enterprise Sales Account Manager.
Distance Matrix API URLs are restricted to 2048 characters, after URL encoding. As some Distance Matrix API service URLs may involve many locations, be aware of this limit when constructing your URLs.
是我网站上每个用户的这个限制还是所有用户都共享这个限制,所以如果我有 100 个用户同时在一个网站上,并且有 10 个用户在同一秒内单击以获取 DIstanceMatrix,我是否得到了 OVER_QUERY_LIMIT ... 或者这是每个用户