I am new to jenkins, testflight and GitHub. I have an ios application for which i like to do continuous integration using these.I am not getting any good tutorial regarding these. can anyone provide me good link or tutorial regarding continuous integration with jenkins, testflight and Github.
2068 次
1 回答
对于 jenkins 与 testFlight 的集成,您可以使用 testFlight 插件 https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Testflight+Plugin
使用 testFlight 插件非常简单,查找详细信息(发布到 Testflight部分)http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2012/06/01/ups-and-downs-with-continuous-integration-for-ios-apps -jenkins-xcode-cobertura-and-testflight/
或者看看这个:http: //blog.shinetech.com/2011/06/23/ci-with-jenkins-for-ios-apps-build-distribution-via-testflightapp-tutorial/
要从 gitHub 构建应用程序,您还需要 XCode 和 GitHub 插件。
于 2013-09-11T13:21:18.273 回答