I'm trying to add a new method to my Groovy class dynamically, following the documentation. So here is my class which implements the methodMissing method:
class AlexTest {
def methodMissing(String name, args){
println "Method missing is called"
def cachedMethod = { Object[] varArgs ->
println "Hi! ${varArgs}"
AlexTest.metaClass."${name}" = cachedMethod
return cachedMethod(args)
and here is another groovy script which uses my AlexTest class:
def alexTest = new AlexTest()
I expect the "Method missing is called" to be called only once - as the method "hi" would have been 'introduced' inside the methodMissing. But, that methodMissing is being called twice, as if the "hi" method never gets introduced to the AlexTest class.
I have also tried to do it differently:
class AlexTest {
AlexTest() {
def mc = new ExpandoMetaClass(AlexTest, false, true)
this.metaClass = mc
def methodMissing(String name, args){
println "Method missing is called"
def cachedMethod = { Object[] varArgs ->
println "Hi! ${varArgs}"
// note that this is calling metaClass inside the instance
this.metaClass."${name}" = cachedMethod
return cachedMethod(args)
which sort of works, but only for that single instance. So if I create two instances of AlexTest, and call the 'hi' method, I will get two "Method missing is called" message. Can anyone point me to the documentation which explains this behaviour?
Thanks in advance!