
我编写了 1) 使用 datatable.js 显示数据的脚本
2) 自动完成方法

  1. PortletDraggable.init();
  2. FormFileUpload.init();
  3. EducationalQualification.init();
  4. 工作经验.init();
  5. 监督.init();
  6. 奖项.init();
  7. 发布.init();

所有这些都是正常工作的数据表方法。但是当我添加 jquery.auto-complete.js 脚本引用时,这些方法停止工作并且自动完成开始工作。



        format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'

    //  var oTable = null;

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {

        var tmpMem = 0; var tmpAward = 0; var tmpPub = 0;
        // Js For Autocomplete

            source: function (request, response) {
                tmpMem = 0; tmpAward = 0; tmpPub = 0;
                    type: 'GET',
                    url: '@Url.Action("SearchUser", "Profile")',
                    data: { FirstName: $("#SearchUser").val() },
                    //  url: "/Profile/SearchUser?FirstName=" + $("#SearchUser").val(),
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    //       dataType: "json",
                    beforeSend: function () {
                        // code to show loading image
                        //$(".ui-content").css("opacity", "0.4");
                        //$("#imgLoader").attr("style", "display:block");
                        //var df = document.getElementById('imgLoader');
                        //df.style.position = 'absolute';
                        //var wd = ($(window).width() / 2) - 45;
                        //var hg = ($(window).height() / 2) - 60;
                        //df.style.left = wd + "px";
                        //df.style.top = hg + "px";
                    complete: function () {
                         //hide loading image
                        $(".ui-content").css("opacity", "1.0");
                        $("#imgLoader").attr("style", "display:none");
                    success: function (data) {
                        response($.map(data.data, function (item) {
                            return {
                                Sn: item.Sn, Fname: item.Fname, Mname: item.Uname, Lname: item.Lname, Title: item.Title,
                                Image: item.Image, Organization: item.Organization, JobTitle: item.JobTitle,
                                Awardname: item.Awardname, AwardYear: item.AwardYear, Pubname: item.Pubname, Pubtype: item.Pubtype, TabType: item.TabType
            select: function (event, ui) {
                //var domainURL = $("#domainurl").val();
                //window.location = domainURL + "/home/NeighborProfile?id=" + ui.item.id;
                // alert(ui.item.Sn);
        }).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
            //     alert(item);="

            if (item.TabType == "member") {
                if (tmpMem == 0) {
                    tmpMem = 1;
                    return $("<li  class='SearchUserLi'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(

                   "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                       "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                       "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                             item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                             "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                       "</span>" +
                       "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + item.JobTitle + "</span>" +
                   ).prepend("<span class='SearchUsercategory'> Members  </span>").appendTo(ul);
                return $("<li   class='SearchUserLi'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(
                      "<hr class='SearchUserHr'>" +
                    "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                        "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                        "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                              item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                              "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                        "</span>" +
                        "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + item.JobTitle + "</span>" +
            else if (item.TabType == "award") {
                if (tmpAward == 0) {
                    tmpAward = 1;
                    return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(

                   "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                       "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                       "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                             item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                             "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                       "</span>" +
                       "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Awardname + "(" + item.AwardYear + ")" + "</span>" +
                   ).prepend("<span class='SearchUsercategory'> Awards  </span>").appendTo(ul)
                return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(
                     "<hr class='SearchUserHr'>" +
                    "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                        "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                        "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                              item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                              "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                        "</span>" +
                        "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Awardname + "(" + item.AwardYear + ")" + "</span>" +

            else if (item.TabType == "publications") {
                if (tmpPub == 0) {
                    tmpPub = 1;
                    return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(

                   "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                       "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                       "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                             item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                             "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                       "</span>" +
                       "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Pubname + "," + item.Pubtype + "</span>" +
                   ).prepend("<span class='SearchUsercategory'> Publications  </span>").appendTo(ul)
                return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(
                      "<hr class='SearchUserHr'>" +
                    "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                        "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                        "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                              item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                              "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                        "</span>" +
                        "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Pubname + "," + item.Pubtype + "</span>" +



3 回答 3


无需添加单个自动完成脚本引用,只需添加 jquery.ui 完整捆绑脚本引用。我遇到了类似的问题,但是在添加 jquery.ui 并删除自动完成脚本后,一切都开始正常工作了。希望能帮助到你

于 2013-09-20T02:01:27.990 回答

包含 jQuery 后,在紧跟其后的脚本标记中添加以下内容。希望这能解决您的问题。

于 2013-09-10T18:53:59.457 回答

我不确定您的日期选择器或自动完成功能将如何工作。当 DOM 可能还没有准备好时,它们都在向 DOM 元素添加功能。尝试这样的事情:


    var initFields = function() {

        //Date Picker
            format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'

        var tmpMem = 0; var tmpAward = 0; var tmpPub = 0;
        // Js For Autocomplete

            source: function (request, response) {
                tmpMem = 0; tmpAward = 0; tmpPub = 0;
                    type: 'GET',
                    url: '@Url.Action("SearchUser", "Profile")',
                    data: { FirstName: $("#SearchUser").val() },
                    //  url: "/Profile/SearchUser?FirstName=" + $("#SearchUser").val(),
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    //       dataType: "json",
                    beforeSend: function () {
                        // code to show loading image
                        //$(".ui-content").css("opacity", "0.4");
                        //$("#imgLoader").attr("style", "display:block");
                        //var df = document.getElementById('imgLoader');
                        //df.style.position = 'absolute';
                        //var wd = ($(window).width() / 2) - 45;
                        //var hg = ($(window).height() / 2) - 60;
                        //df.style.left = wd + "px";
                        //df.style.top = hg + "px";
                    complete: function () {
                         //hide loading image
                        $(".ui-content").css("opacity", "1.0");
                        $("#imgLoader").attr("style", "display:none");
                    success: function (data) {
                        response($.map(data.data, function (item) {
                            return {
                                Sn: item.Sn, Fname: item.Fname, Mname: item.Uname, Lname: item.Lname, Title: item.Title,
                                Image: item.Image, Organization: item.Organization, JobTitle: item.JobTitle,
                                Awardname: item.Awardname, AwardYear: item.AwardYear, Pubname: item.Pubname, Pubtype: item.Pubtype, TabType: item.TabType
            select: function (event, ui) {
                //var domainURL = $("#domainurl").val();
                //window.location = domainURL + "/home/NeighborProfile?id=" + ui.item.id;
                // alert(ui.item.Sn);
        }).data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
            //     alert(item);="

            if (item.TabType == "member") {
                if (tmpMem == 0) {
                    tmpMem = 1;
                    return $("<li  class='SearchUserLi'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(

                   "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                       "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                       "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                             item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                             "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                       "</span>" +
                       "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + item.JobTitle + "</span>" +
                   ).prepend("<span class='SearchUsercategory'> Members  </span>").appendTo(ul);
                return $("<li   class='SearchUserLi'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(
                      "<hr class='SearchUserHr'>" +
                    "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                        "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                        "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                              item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                              "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                        "</span>" +
                        "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + item.JobTitle + "</span>" +
            else if (item.TabType == "award") {
                if (tmpAward == 0) {
                    tmpAward = 1;
                    return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(

                   "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                       "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                       "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                             item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                             "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                       "</span>" +
                       "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Awardname + "(" + item.AwardYear + ")" + "</span>" +
                   ).prepend("<span class='SearchUsercategory'> Awards  </span>").appendTo(ul)
                return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(
                     "<hr class='SearchUserHr'>" +
                    "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                        "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                        "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                              item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                              "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                        "</span>" +
                        "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Awardname + "(" + item.AwardYear + ")" + "</span>" +

            else if (item.TabType == "publications") {
                if (tmpPub == 0) {
                    tmpPub = 1;
                    return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(

                   "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                       "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                       "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                             item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                             "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                       "</span>" +
                       "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Pubname + "," + item.Pubtype + "</span>" +
                   ).prepend("<span class='SearchUsercategory'> Publications  </span>").appendTo(ul)
                return $("<li style='padding:0px!important;height:80px'></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append(
                      "<hr class='SearchUserHr'>" +
                    "<a href='  ' class='SearchUserLink'>" +
                        "<img  src='" + item.Image + "' alt='" + item.Fname + "' class='SearchUserImg'>" +
                        "<span class='searchUserLight'>" +
                              item.Title + ". " + item.Fname +
                              "<span style=' font-weight: bold;color:black'>" + "  " + item.Organization + "</span>" +
                        "</span>" +
                        "<span style='  font-size : 10px; color: #3B5998;'>" + "  " + item.Pubname + "," + item.Pubtype + "</span>" +


    //  var oTable = null;

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {


如果这不起作用,那么您可能需要检查您包含的所有 JavaScript 文件以确保它们的所有版本都兼容,并且没有两个定义相同的函数/对象。

于 2013-09-19T17:57:14.217 回答