I'm trying to implement CORS support for my WebApi controllers, and I'm following the example here.
My handler looks like this:
/// <summary>
/// Taken from http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2012/02/20/implementing-cors-support-in-asp-net-web-apis.aspx
/// </summary>
public class CorsHandler : DelegatingHandler
private const string Origin = "Origin";
private const string AccessControlRequestMethod = "Access-Control-Request-Method";
private const string AccessControlRequestHeaders = "Access-Control-Request-Headers";
private const string AccessControlAllowOrigin = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin";
private const string AccessControlAllowMethods = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods";
private const string AccessControlAllowHeaders = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers";
private const string AccessControlAllowCredentials = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials";
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var isCorsRequest = request.Headers.Contains(Origin);
var isPreflightRequest = request.Method == HttpMethod.Options;
if (isCorsRequest)
if (isPreflightRequest)
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowOrigin, request.Headers.GetValues(Origin).First());
var accessControlRequestMethod = request.Headers.GetValues(AccessControlRequestMethod).FirstOrDefault();
if (accessControlRequestMethod != null)
response.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowMethods, accessControlRequestMethod);
var requestedHeaders = string.Join(", ", request.Headers.GetValues(AccessControlRequestHeaders));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestedHeaders))
response.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowHeaders, requestedHeaders);
response.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowCredentials, "true");
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<HttpResponseMessage>();
return response;
var resp = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
resp.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowOrigin, request.Headers.GetValues(Origin).First());
resp.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowHeaders, "*");
resp.Headers.Add(AccessControlAllowCredentials, "true");
return resp;
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
In my WebApiConfig class, I'm registering that handler like so:
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new CorsHandler());
And it's getting called for "GET" requests. But it's not getting called for any requests that require preflight approval. The request looks like this:
Request OPTIONS /api/campaigns/1002/customerusers/1008 HTTP/1.1
Accept */*
Origin http://app.dev.alanta.com
Access-Control-Request-Method DELETE
Access-Control-Request-Headers accept
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)
Host dev.payboard.com
Content-Length 0
Connection Keep-Alive
Cache-Control no-cache
But as I said, the handler never gets called for the OPTIONS verb.
I thought that there might be some other handler interfering with this somewhere, but I've removed all the likely candidates, and no luck so far.
My other theory is that it's not recognizing that particular route for the OPTIONS verb, and so it's never handing off the request to the WebApi subsystem, and it's getting handled somewhere else. But I'm not entirely clear how to fix that.