I have a menu, I want to add class "current" to the <li> with id="home", so this is what I tried:

$('#main-nav ul li').attr('id').eq('home').addClass('current');

I also tried .is instead of .eq, non of them works!

How I could achieve this?



4 回答 4

$('#main-nav ul li#home').addClass('current');

You can easily select for specific ids with the CSS id selector #. Depending on your DOM, you can even be more specific with your selectors, which will result in faster selection of the dom element:

$('#main-nav > ul > li#home').addClass('current');
于 2012-08-01T15:13:09.913 回答

You are using id, so you can use id selector, no need to use attr or eq:

于 2012-08-01T15:12:50.620 回答

You can specify the id of li which is home in your case in the same way you used this id main at the beginning of selector.

Try this,

$('#main-nav ul li#home').addClass('current');
于 2012-08-01T15:13:13.457 回答

Since you have an ID on the li element, you can just do this:

于 2012-08-01T15:13:15.780 回答