I am trying to use Hibernate with hbm2ddl.auto set to validate so that Hibernate must respect my DB schema, instead of auto-generating tables around my Java classes.

A lot of my tables are so-called "lookup" or "reference" tables, that essentially consist of id, name and tag fields:

    credit_card_type_id           Ex: "12"
    credit_card_type_name         Ex: "Visa"
    credit_card_type_tag          Ex: "VISA"

    payment_type_id               Ex: "2"
    payment_type_name             Ex: "Google Checkout"
    payment_type_tag              EX: "GOOGLE_CHECKOUT"


I'd like to model these as follows:

public class BaseLookup {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String tag;

    // ...getters, setters and ctors, etc.

public class CreditCardTypes extends BaseLookup {
    // .. perhaps a few other fields, methods, etc...

public class PaymentTypes extends BaseLookup {
    // .. perhaps a few other fields, methods, etc...

The problem is I don't want Hibernate to search for (validate against) a lookups table: I want it to validate aginst 2 lookup tables called credit_card_types and payment_types respectively.

What annotations/configs do I need to allow this type of Java inheritance but to only create my 2 lookup tables (and not 3)? Thanks in advance!


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public class BaseLookup implements Serializable {

    @Column (name="ID")
    private Long id;

    @Column (name="NAME")
    private String name;

    private String tag;

    // ...getters, setters and ctors, etc.


@Table(name = "CREDITCARDTYPES")
public class CreditCardTypes extends BaseLookup {
   // .. perhaps a few other fields, methods, etc...

   @Coulmn (name="FIELD1_COLUMN_NAME")
   private String field1;


@Table(name = "PAYMENTTYPES")
public class PaymentTypes extends BaseLookup {
   // .. perhaps a few other fields, methods, etc...

   @Coulmn (name="FIELD2_COLUMN_NAME")
   private String field2;
于 2013-09-09T19:13:49.660 回答