Possible Duplicate:
Getting text within element excluding decendants

how to get only the text of an element without getting the inline element using jQuery?

I have the following problem:

<p><strong>Test 1</strong> this is test 1 results</p>

How do I capture only "this is test 1 results" into an array using jQuery? I attempted this but it's not working:

var TextResults = $("strong").parent("p").text();
var arrayTestResults = TextResults.split(" ");

1 回答 1


您可以使用 contents.map() 函数(如 Felix Kling 提供的链接中所建议的那样)来执行此操作,如下所示:

var result = $('p').contents().map(function() {
    if( this.nodeType === 3 ) {
        return this.data;


于 2012-09-30T20:42:39.897 回答