I'm a C# and Moq newb. I have some code that looks like the following and I want to unit test it, using Moq.
Data.Foo.FooDataTable tbl = Adapter.GetFooByID(id);
foreach (Data.Foo.FooRow row in tbl)
x = row.bar
How do I set up the mocks? Current broken attempt:
var adapter = new Mock<FooTableAdapter>();
var table = new Mock<Foo.FooDataTable>();
var rows = new Mock<DataRowCollection>();
var row = new Mock<Foo.FooRow>();
rows.Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator().Current).Returns(row.Object);
table.Setup(x => x.Rows).Returns(rows.Object);
adapter.Setup(x => x.GetFooByID(1)).Returns(table.Object);
_adapter = adapter.Object;
If I don't try to add the row, I get a NullReferenceException in the foreach. If I do try to add the row, I get a System.NotSupportedException: Type to mock must be an interface or an abstract or non-sealed class.