This is hopefully a really simple question, but I'm having trouble getting a clear idea from the code...

What's the difference between 'objects' and 'elements' in Three.js?

For example, in Projector.projectScene( scene, camera, sortObjects, sortElements ). And the flags 'sortObjects' and 'sortElements' in the CanvasRenderer. I understand what they do collectively, but what's the difference between them / why are they separate flags?


1 回答 1


感谢IRC 频道上的chandlerp为我回答了这个问题:

sortObjects对场景中的对象进行排序。然后 CanvasRenderer 进一步将几何体拉成单独的面。sortElements控制是否对这些面进行排序。

于 2013-09-09T14:24:02.350 回答