Compare three boolean values and display the first one that is true.
Hey guys, I am trying to write a program that compares three boolean values and displays the first true one. I am comparing three words for their length, and it will display the longest. The error that I am getting is that my else tags aren't working. Take a look at the code.
//Check which word is bigger
if (len1 > len2)
word1bt2 = true;
if (len2 > len3)
word2bt3 = true;
if (len1 > len3)
word1bt3 = true;
//Check which word is the longest
if (word1bt2 == true && word1bt3 == true);
else if (word2bt3 == true);
else System.out.println(wor3);
I have set boolean values for word1bt2, word2bt3 and word1bt3. In eclipse, I am getting a syntax error under the elses in my code above. Any help would be great!