You can change the second argument to str_pad to change how much padding each element in the row has.
$rows = explode("|", $data);
$headers = "a,b,c,d";
array_unshift($rows, $headers);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$parts = explode(",", $row);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
echo str_pad($part, 10) . "|";
echo "\n";
a |b |c |d |
100 |200 |300 |400 |
500 |600 |700 |800 |
900 |100 |200 |300 |
400 |500 |600 |700 |
800 |900 |100 |200 |
300 |400 |500 |600 |
700 |800 |900 |100 |
If you are going to have varying data, but always want to have at least 1 space between the values and the column seperator, then you can use the following:
function splitvals($str) {
return explode(",", $str);
$multi_data = array_map('splitvals', explode('|', $data));
array_unshift($multi_data, null);
$val_for_sizes = call_user_func_array('array_map', $multi_data);
$sizes = array();
foreach ($val_for_sizes as $vals) {
$sizes[] = strlen(max($vals));
$rows = explode("|", $data);
$headers = "a,b,c,d";
array_unshift($rows, $headers);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$parts = explode(",", $row);
$col = 0;
foreach ($parts as $part) {
echo str_pad($part, $sizes[$col++] + 1) . "|";
echo "\n";
a |b |c |d |
100 |200 |30 |400 |
500 |600 |70 |8000 |
900 |100 |200 |300 |
4004532 |500 |60 |700 |
800 |900 |100 |200 |
300 |400 |500 |600 |
700 |800 |900 |100 |