我正在尝试在 Assembly 中编写一个程序,将加号或减号作为第一个输入(决定是一起加还是减两个数字),然后取两个 2 位数字并加/减并显示结果。到目前为止,我有以下代码,但我在输出中遇到了问题。我知道在下面的代码片段中它只是显示单个字符,但我希望它显示实际输出但我不知道如何,尝试使用正常的字符串显示中断不起作用,因为 num2 或 al 的大小与 dx 的大小不匹配(输出字符串寄存器)
.STACK 100h
choice_msg db 13,10,'Addition or Subtraction?',13,10,'$'
first_msg db 13,10,'Enter the first number:',13,10,'$'
second_msg db 13,10,'Enter the second number:',13,10,'$'
result_msg db 13,10,'The result is:',13,10,'$'
new_line db 13,10,'$'
val1 db ?
num2 db ?
num3 db ?
num4 db ?
ten db 10
.CODE ;where the code is written
mov ax, @data ;Moves the address of the variables under .DATA into ax
mov ds,ax ;moves ax into ds. the two lines allow you to display string using the 21h interrupt sequence 9
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset choice_msg
int 21h ;displays the string in choice_msg
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
mov val1,al ;moves the value in the al to the variable val1
cmp val1,'+' ;compares the entered value in val1 with "+"
je addition ;if the enterd value is "+" then it jumps to addition else it jumps to subtraction
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset first_msg
int 21h ;displays the string in first_msg
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the vaule in the al
mov num2,al ;moves the value in the al to the variable num2
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num3,al ;moves the value in the al to the variable num3
mov al,num2 ;moves the value in num2 into the al
mul ten ;multiplies the value in the al by ten
add al,num3 ;adds the value in num3 to the al, to get the two-digit number
mov num2,al ;moves the two digit value into
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset new_line
int 21h ;goes to the next line, i.e. "enter"
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset second_msg ;displays the string in second_msg
int 21h
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num3,al ;moves the new value in the al into the variable num3
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num4,al ;moves the new value in the al into the variable num4
mov al,num3 ;moves the value in num3 into the al
mul ten ;multiplies the value in the al by ten
add al,num4 ;adds the value in num4 to the al, to get a two-digit number
mov num3,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num3
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset new_line
int 21h ;goes to the next line, i.e. "enter"
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset result_msg
int 21h ;displays the string in reslut_msg
; mov the value of num 3 into bl
mov bl, num3
add num2,bl ;adds num3 and num2 to form the sum
add num2,48 ;adds 48 to num2
mov al,num2
mov ah,02
mov dl, al
int 21h ;displays the value that was in the al
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset new_line
int 21h ; goes to next line, i.e. "enter"
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h ;ends the program
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset first_msg
int 21h ;displays the string in first_msg
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 001
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num2,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num2
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num3,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num3
mov al,num2 ;moves the value in num2 into the al
mul ten ;multiplies the value in the al by ten
add al,num3 ;adds the value in num3 to the al, to get a two-digit number
mov num2,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num2
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset new_line
int 21h ;goes to the next line, i.e. "enter"
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset second_msg
int 21h ;displays the string in second_msg
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfunction 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num3,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num3
mov ah,01
int 21h ;copies a value into the al, using subfuntion 01
sub al,48 ;subtracts 48 from the value in the al
mov num4,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num4
mov al,num3 ;moves the value in num3 into the al
mul ten ;multiplies the value in the al by ten
add al,num4 ;adds the value in num4 to the al, to get a two-digit number
mov num3,al ;moves the value in the al into the variable num3
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset new_line
int 21h ;goes to next line, i.e. "enter"
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset result_msg
int 21h ;displays the string in result_msg
mov bl, num3 ;move value of num3 to bl
sub num2,bl ;subtracts the value in num3 from the value in num2
add num2,48 ;adds 48 to the new value in num2
mov al,num2 ;moves the value in num2 into the al
mov ah,02
mov dh,al
int 21h ;displays the resulting value
mov ah,09
mov dx, offset new_line
int 21h ;goes to the next line, i.e. "enter"
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h ;ends the program