;====Display message asking user========
mov qword rdi, stringformat
mov qword rsi, promptfloatnumber
mov qword rax, 0
call printf
;====Input number========
push qword 0
mov qword rdi, floatinputformat
mov qword rsi, rsp
mov qword rax, 0
call scanf
pop r14
;===== Copy input to SSE======
push r14
movsd xmm1, [rsp]
pop rax
;=== Keeps a total count throughout the loops? =====
addsd xmm0,xmm1 ;xmm0 = xmm0 + xmm1
;Then it jumps back up if user wants to input more values
那我只需要显示 xmm0 总对吗?我不知道该怎么做。我尝试过这样的事情。
mov rdi, formatfloatdecimaloutput
mov qword rax, 1
call printf