I want to create 7 stats for a character, randomly generating a value from 3-21, with the stat's sum being no higher than 91. I've tried arranging the stats into an array, and just going through them like this:
1) add random(15) to each array member
2) computing the total, subtracting from the 91 maximum
3) dividing this difference by 7
4) do step 1 with random(difference) adding it to the stat
5) Until I hit the 91 total.
Doing this a few hundred times I seem to get a curve where the 5,6, and 7th stats tend to be higher. And sometimes I hit the 4 or 5th stat and there are no more numbers to be added, meaning then that the first few stats get the most points. I think I am approaching this the wrong way to begin with. Any ideas? I have tunnel vision at this point I think.