大家好,我是 php 的新手,也是堆栈溢出的新手,但确实对 php 有一些了解,我想做的是从我从 api 函数返回的数组调用中获取一个值是
使用 print_r 给了我:
Array (
[icon] => http://url to image location
[name] => Wizard's Petasos
[slot] => head )
如果我回显 $character->getSlot('head', 'name); 在第 19 行给我 C:\xampp\htdocs\test\index.php 并返回单词 Array
这是 index.php 的部分
// Call API
$API = new LodestoneAPI();
// Search for: Demonic Pagan on Sargatanas
$character = $API->get(array(
"name" => "Darka Munday",
"server" => "Ragnarok"
// Basic character data
echo "Character ID: " . $character->getID();
$ID = $character->getID();
$Character = $API->getCharacterByID($ID);
echo $character->getSlot('head', 'name');
以及 api 的部分以防万一
public function setGear($Array)
$this->Gear['slots'] = count($Array);
$GearArray = NULL;
// Loop through gear equipped
$Main = NULL;
foreach($Array as $A)
// Temp array
$Temp = array();
// Loop through data
$i = 0;
foreach($A as $Line)
// Item Icon
if (stripos($Line, 'socket_64') !== false) { $Data = trim(explode('"', $A[$i + 1])[1]); $Temp['icon'] = $Data; }
if (stripos($Line, 'item_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(str_ireplace(array('>', '"'), NULL, strip_tags(html_entity_decode($A[$i + 2])))); $Temp['name'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($Data), ENT_QUOTES); }
if (stripos($Line, 'item_name') !== false) {
$Data = htmlspecialchars_decode(trim(html_entity_decode($A[$i + 3])), ENT_QUOTES);
if (
strpos($Data, " Arm") !== false ||
strpos($Data, " Grimoire") !== false ||
strpos($Data, " Tool") !== false
{ $Main = $Data; $Data = 'Main'; }
$Temp['slot'] = strtolower($Data);
// Increment
// Slot manipulation
$Slot = $Temp['slot'];
if (isset($GearArray[$Slot])) { $Slot = $Slot . 2; }
// Append array
$GearArray['numbers'][] = $Temp;
$GearArray['slots'][$Slot] = $Temp;
// Set Gear
$this->Gear['equipped'] = $GearArray;
// Set Active Class
$classjob = str_ireplace('Two-Handed ', NULL, explode("'", $Main)[0]);
$this->Stats['active']['class'] = $classjob;
if (isset($this->Gear['soul crystal'])) { $this->Stats['active']['job'] = str_ireplace("Soul of the ", NULL, $this->Gear['soul crystal']['name']); }
public function getGear() { return $this->Gear; }
public function getEquipped($Type) { return $this->Gear['equipped'][$Type]; }
public function getSlot($Slot) { return $this->Gear['equipped']['slots'][$Slot]; }