Please note: A more refined version of this question, with an appropriate answer can be found here.

I would like to use the Selenium Python bindings to find elements with a given text on a web page. For example, suppose I have the following HTML:

        <someElement>This can be found</someElement>
        <someOtherElement>This can <em>not</em> be found</someOtherElement>

I need to search by text and am able to find <someElement> using the following XPath:

//*[contains(text(), 'This can be found')]

I am looking for a similar XPath that lets me find <someOtherElement> using the plain text "This can not be found". The following does not work:

//*[contains(text(), 'This can not be found')]

I understand that this is because of the nested em element that "disrupts" the text flow of "This can not be found". Is it possible via XPaths to, in a way, ignore such or similar nestings as the one above?


1 回答 1


您可以使用//*[contains(., 'This can not be found')].


不过要小心,因为您使用的是//*,因此它将匹配包含此字符串的所有englobing 元素。


  • <someOtherElement>
  • <body>
  • <html>

您可以通过定位文档中的特定元素标签或特定部分(a<table><div>具有已知 id 或类)来限制这一点

编辑 OP 的问题,评论如何找到与文本条件匹配的最嵌套元素:

这里接受的答案建议//*[count(ancestor::*) = max(//*/count(ancestor::*))]选择最嵌套的元素。我认为它只是 XPath 2.0。


    <someElement>This can be found</someElement>
        <someOtherElement>This can <em>not</em> be found most nested</someOtherElement>
    <someOtherElement>This can <em>not</em> be found</someOtherElement>

并使用此 XPath 2.0 表达式

//*[contains(., 'This can not be found')]
   [count(ancestor::*) = max(//*/count(./*[contains(., 'This can not be found')]/ancestor::*))]

它匹配包含“This can not be found most nested”的元素。


于 2013-09-06T10:41:19.647 回答