I know "adding Maven nature" is an Eclipse term.

Actually I want to add SOME dependencies from maven repository by editing pom.xml file. Is it possible? I want to remain a directory structure and other JAR tracking of a project intact.

The project is of jMonkey SDK.


2 回答 2


在 netbeans 中没有性质。该项目要么是一个 Maven 项目(通过在项目目录中有一个 pom.xml 文件),要么不是。不管是什么类型,项目都是刚刚打开的。

如果您的项目既是基于 ant 的项目(具有 nbproject/project.xml 文件和构建脚本)并且包含 pom.xml,则 ant 项目优先,并将作为 ant 项目打开。那就没法混了。要加载为 maven 项目,您必须删除与 ant 项目相关的文件并重新启动 IDE。

于 2013-09-06T05:58:50.713 回答
  • add minimal pom.xml file
  • close project
  • re import it to netbeans as maven project

  • or create a new minimal maven project and delete source and resource directories and place your project stsructure and

  • configure pom.xml to match with your directory structure

    • by specifying resources & source directories in pom.xml
于 2013-09-06T00:31:31.690 回答