此代码为我的 BuildingRoute 定义了一个模型,并使用来自服务器的数据对其进行更新。
App.BuildingRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
buildingData : { // Can't I just create the object once my data comes,
name: '', // is it necessary to initialize this object?
addr1: '',
addr2: ''
model: function() {
this.getNodeInfo(); // should I be calling the function to access the server here?
return this.buildingData;
getNodeInfo: function(){
var _this = this;
var req = {
callback: nodeDataCB,
something: {
method: 'getNode',
uid: 'getNodeData',
nodeId: gVars.node
function nodeDataCB(data){
var attributes = $(data).find('attributes');
var addr1 = attributes.find('attr[n="disAddress1"]').html();
var addr2 = attributes.find('attr[n="disAddress2"]').html();
var name = $(data).find('name').text();
Ember.set(_this.buildingData, 'name', name); // must I set the value for each
Ember.set(_this.buildingData, 'addr1', addr1); // specifically, can't i just set
Ember.set(_this.buildingData, 'addr2', addr2); // the whole object at once?
我应该使用 Ember 数据吗?