我正在使用jQuery Weekcalendar,而不是静态数据,我想使用我的数据库中的数据。下面的脚本创建eventData1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getTime' of undefined
所以我认为它无法将日期转换为新的 Date 对象。这就是为什么我尝试使用一个单独的函数来将字符串转换为日期,但没有成功。
events : [{'id': 25, 'start': new Date( '2013-01-07 14:45:00'), 'end': new Date('2013-01-07 15:45:00'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0},{'id': 26, 'start': new Date( '2013-01-10 11:15:00'), 'end': new Date('2013-01-10 12:15:00'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0},{'id': 22, 'start': new Date( '2013-01-09 12:45:00'), 'end': new Date('2013-01-09 14:45:00'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0},{'id': 21, 'start': new Date( '2013-01-09 15:00:00'), 'end': new Date('2013-01-09 17:00:00'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0},{'id': 20, 'start': new Date( '2013-01-08 16:00:00'), 'end': new Date('2013-01-08 17:00:00'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0},{'id': 27, 'start': new Date( '2013-01-10 15:45:00'), 'end': new Date('2013-01-10 16:45:00'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0}]
这是我的 JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function dateReviver(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
var re = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/
var result = re.exec(value);
if (result) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(+result[1], +result[2] - 1, +result[3], +result[4],+result[5], +result[6]));
return value;
var appointments = "[";
var eventData1 = new Array();
var counter = 0;
url: 'http://www.slinder.ch/admin/php/termin_getappointments.php',
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
success: function(data) {
console.log('entered getJSON()');
$.each(data, function(i, appointment) {
var id = appointment.appointmentId;
var start = appointment.start;
var end = appointment.end;
var title = appointment.prename;
var userid = appointment.workerid;
appointments += "{'id': " + id + ", 'start': new Date( '" + start + "'), 'end': new Date('" + end + "'), 'title': 'test appointment from javascript', userId: 0}";
if (i === (data.length - 1)) {
// this is the last
} else {
appointments += ",";
appointments += "]";
console.log('first: ' + appointments);
eventData1 = {
options: {
timeslotsPerHour: 4,
timeslotHeight: 20,
defaultFreeBusy: {free: true}
events : appointments,
freebusys: []
events : appointments,