好吧,我真的尝试使用我昨天在@AaronBertrand 的问答中学到的东西来解决类似类型的问题。我在 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 中使用
SalesPersonID TransDate Order DateTotal
1108 8/2/2013 231.95 7713.8
1108 8/2/2013 5805.15 7713.8
1108 8/2/2013 1676.70 7713.8
1108 8/3/2013 159.95 3635.35
1108 8/3/2013 468.90 3635.35
1108 8/3/2013 1160.85 3635.35
1108 8/3/2013 209.95 3635.35
1108 8/3/2013 1161.85 3635.35
1108 8/3/2013 473.85 3635.35
1108 8/4/2013 149.98 3151.68
1108 8/4/2013 793.95 3151.68
1108 8/4/2013 55.00 3151.68
1108 8/4/2013 198.95 3151.68
1108 8/4/2013 398.00 3151.68
1108 8/4/2013 1255.85 3151.68
1108 8/4/2013 299.95 3151.68
1108 8/9/2013 223.95 1413.8
1108 8/9/2013 59.95 1413.8
1108 8/9/2013 1129.90 1413.8
1108 8/30/2013 1396.43 1396.43
1108 8/31/2013 89.95 1735.65
1108 8/31/2013 495.95 1735.65
1108 8/31/2013 495.95 1735.65
1108 8/31/2013 633.85 1735.65
1108 8/31/2013 19.95 1735.65
1205 8/3/2013 2389.09 2389.09
并使用我从较早的问题[Here]中得到的答案,我想我并不完全理解 SQL....
所以 .....
SalesPersonID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …. 29 30 31
1108 0.00 7713.80 3635.35 3151.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1413.80 0.00 1396.43 1735.65
1205 0.00 0.00 2389.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
顶部的数字是所选月份的天数,我使用的是 8 月,如果选择 6 月,则只有 30 天。
DECLARE @BeginDate AS VARCHAR(10), @EndDate AS VARCHAR(10), @SelectedMonthDays AS int
SET @BeginDate='08/15/13'
-- Last Day of Current Month
Set @SelectedMonthDays = DATEPART(day, DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@BeginDate)+1,0)))
-- Last day Date of Current Month
SET @EndDate=cast(convert(date,DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@BeginDate)+1,0))) as varchar(10))
-- Convert input date to the first day Date of current month
Set @BeginDate = cast(convert(date,DATEADD(s,0,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@BeginDate),0))) as varchar(10))
SELECT xhours = number FROM Master..spt_values WHERE type = N'P' and number between 1 and @SelectedMonthDays ORDER BY number