我正在使用一个太大而无法放入内存的数据集,因此想使用流来处理数据。但是,我发现流并没有像我预期的那样限制使用的内存量。示例代码说明了该问题,如果内存限制设置为 128mb,则会耗尽内存。我知道我可以提高内存限制,但是对于我想要使用的那种大数据集,这不是一个选择。我应该如何减少内存使用?
#lang racket
(struct prospects (src pos num max-num)
#:methods gen:stream
[(define (stream-empty? stream)
(equal? (prospects-num stream) (prospects-max-num stream)))
(define (stream-first stream)
(list-ref (prospects-src stream) (prospects-pos stream)))
(define (stream-rest stream)
(let ([next-pos (add1 (prospects-pos stream))]
[src (prospects-src stream)]
[next-num (add1 (prospects-num stream))]
[max-num (prospects-max-num stream)])
(if (< next-pos (length src))
(prospects src next-pos next-num max-num)
(prospects src 0 next-num max-num))))])
(define (make-prospects src num)
(prospects src 0 0 num))
(define (calc-stats prospects)
(let ([just-a (stream-filter
(λ (p) (equal? "a" (vector-ref p 0)))
[just-b (stream-filter
(λ (p) (equal? "b" (vector-ref p 0)))
(let ([num-a (stream-length just-a)]
[num-b (stream-length just-b)]
[sum-ref1-a (for/sum ([p (in-stream just-a)])
(vector-ref p 1))]
[sum-ref1-b (for/sum ([p (in-stream just-b)])
(vector-ref p 1))])
; Have also tried with stream-fold instead of for/sum as below:
[sum-ref1-a (stream-fold
(λ (acc p) (+ acc (vector-ref p 1)))
0 just-a)]
[sum-ref1-b (stream-fold
(λ (acc p) (+ acc (vector-ref p 1)))
0 just-b)])
(list num-a num-b sum-ref1-a sum-ref1-b))))
; Main
(define num-prospects 800000)
(define raw-prospects (list #("a" 2 2 5 4 5 6 2 4 2 45 6 2 4 5 6 3 4 5 2)
#("b" 1 3 5 2 4 3 2 4 5 34 3 4 5 3 2 4 5 6 3)))
(calc-stats (make-prospects raw-prospects num-prospects))