来自 error.log 的数据
webhdfs ERROR Failed to determine superuser of WebHdfs at http://namenode:50070/webhdfs/v1: SecurityException: Failed to obtain user group information: org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: User: hue is not allowed to impersonate hue (error 401)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/hduser/huef/hue/desktop/libs/hadoop/src/hadoop/fs/webhdfs.py", line 108, in superuser
sb = self.stats('/')
File "/home/hduser/huef/hue/desktop/libs/hadoop/src/hadoop/fs/webhdfs.py", line 188, in stats
res = self._stats(path)
File "/home/hduser/huef/hue/desktop/libs/hadoop/src/hadoop/fs/webhdfs.py", line 182, in _stats
raise ex
注意:我已将以下内容添加到 core-site.xml 并启用了 webhdfs
当我尝试通过 oozie in hue 访问 hdfs 文件位置时出错
An error occurred: SecurityException: Failed to obtain user group information: org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: User: hue is not allowed to impersonate hduser (error 401)