New here :D

I have problem with my application. :/ In my app i have a bitmap(size is equal to screen in my emulator 480x800). I am draw some circles and lines. Now i want to add small(44x44) picture(.png). This picture should be in foreground and bit map as a background. (Bitmap have change when user touch the screen)

this green circles are drawing

c.drawCircle(xAxis, yAxis, PBEngine.fieldGreenRadius, paint);

i want replace it by my own picture.

i can't find solution :/ sorry for englins hope you understand me


1 回答 1


正如@njzk2 所说,您可以使用 Canvas Draw 功能。可以在 Canvas 上绘制平滑缩放的位图中看到一个示例

这里还有一个示例问题Draw bitmaps from resources over another关于使用位图作为前景和背景图像。

于 2013-09-04T13:03:13.067 回答