I have been asked to move unit-test results from QUnit to MSTest, as it became clear for the project lead today that there were in fact unit test on the user interface. However, I would very much like not to write a new MS test for every case in the QUnit test file as this will increase maintanance required. I've added WatiN and expect to be able to get test results with that tool.

The obvious and simple solution would be to just use a single unit-test and make it list the tests that failed and let the debuggers figure it out. Skipping this solution, is there a way to register more test results from a single test runtime in MSTest? Possibly generate a dynamic unit-test assembly?

Any other possible and hopefully simple solutions?

edit: I switched to Chutzpah, which works approximately one thousand times better than WatiN. Note that this has to work on the build server as well. At this point I have one test that will fail if any one of the qunit tests fail. I cannot use Visual Studio extensions as this has to work on the build server as well as locally.


1 回答 1


不确定我是否完全理解这个问题,但如果你的意思是你想要某种方式从 Visual Studio 中运行 qunit 测试,Visual Studio 有一个名为Chutzpah的扩展可以为你做这件事。


于 2013-09-04T23:34:10.823 回答