编辑 好的,所以在文件代码中,即单击“搜索”按钮后它转到的文件中,有以下代码:
Dim DbConnectionStr
Dim objConn
Dim OrgRS, SQL
Dim StateRS, SQL1
TempOrganization = Request.Form("Organization")
TempState = Request.Form("State")
TempOrgType = Request.Form("OrgType")
TempLenderType = Trim(Request.Form("LenderType"))
TempAttributes = Request.Form("Attributes")
TempAreaServed = Request.Form("AreaServed")
'response.Write TempAreaServed
DbConnectionStr = Database Password Information....(Not listed, unimportant for you to help me with)
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open DbConnectionStr
SQL = "Select * FROM CDFILocator"
WhereFlag = False
DisplayFlag = False
DisplayCriteria = ""
If TempOrganization <> "ALL" then
SQL = SQL & " WHERE OrganizationName = '" & TempOrganization & "'"
DisplayCriteria = "Organization Name is <b>" & TempOrganization & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
DisplayCriteria = "Any Organization"
DisplayFlag = True
End If
If TempState <> "ALL" then
If WhereFlag = False then
SQL = SQL & " WHERE State = '" & TempState & "'"
DisplayCriteria = "State is <b>" & TempState & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
SQL = SQL & " and State = '" & TempState & "'"
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and State is <b>" & TempState & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
End If
If WhereFlag = False and DisplayFlag = False then
DisplayCriteria = "Any State"
DisplayFlag = True
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Any State"
End If
End If
If TempAreaServed <> "ALL" then
arrAreaServed = Split(TempAreaServed, ", ", -1, 1)
If WhereFlag = False then
SQL = SQL & " WHERE ("'" & TempAreaServed & "')"
DisplayCriteria = "Area(s) Served: "
For I = LBound(arrAreaServed) To UBound(arrAreaServed)
SQL = SQL & "AreaServed like '%" & arrAreaServed(I) & "%' or "
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & arrAreaServed(I) & ","
DisplayCriteria = Mid(DisplayCriteria,1,Len(DisplayCriteria)-1)
' Add National for all
SQL = SQL & "AreaServed like '%national%' or "
SQL = Mid(SQL,1,Len(SQL)-3)
SQL = SQL & ")"
WhereFlag = True
SQL = SQL & " AND ("'" & TempAreaServed & "')"
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Area(s) Served: "
For I = LBound(arrAreaServed) To UBound(arrAreaServed)
SQL = SQL & "AreaServed like '%" & arrAreaServed(I) & "%' or "
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & arrAreaServed(I) & ","
DisplayCriteria = Mid(DisplayCriteria,1,Len(DisplayCriteria)-1)
' Add National for all
SQL = SQL & "AreaServed like '%national%' or "
SQL = Mid(SQL,1,Len(SQL)-3)
SQL = SQL & ")"
WhereFlag = True
End If
If WhereFlag = False and DisplayFlag = False then
DisplayCriteria = "Any Area Served in the Nation"
DisplayFlag = True
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Any Area Served in the Nation"
End If
End If
If TempOrgType <> "ALL" then
If WhereFlag = False then
SQL = SQL & " WHERE OrganizationType like '%" & TempOrgType & "%'"
DisplayCriteria = "Organization Type is <b>" & TempOrgType & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
SQL = SQL & " and OrganizationType like '%" & TempOrgType & "%'"
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Organization Type is <b>" & TempOrgType & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
End If
If WhereFlag = False and DisplayFlag = False then
DisplayCriteria = "Any Organization Type"
DisplayFlag = True
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Any Organization Type"
End If
End If
If TempLenderType <> "ALL" then
If WhereFlag = False then
SQL = SQL & " WHERE LendingType like '%" & TempLenderType & "%'"
DisplayCriteria = "Lending Type is <b>" & TempLenderType & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
SQL = SQL & " and LendingType like '%" & TempLenderType & "%'"
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Lending Type is <b>" & TempLenderType & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
End If
If WhereFlag = False and DisplayFlag = False then
DisplayCriteria = "Any Lender Type"
DisplayFlag = True
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Any Lender Type"
End If
End If
If TempAttributes <> "ALL" then
If WhereFlag = False then
SQL = SQL & " WHERE Attributes like '%" & TempAttributes & "%'"
DisplayCriteria = "Attributes are <b>" & TempAttributes & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
SQL = SQL & " and Attributes like '%" & TempAttributes & "%'"
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Attributes are <b>" & TempAttributes & "</b>"
WhereFlag = True
End If
If WhereFlag = False and DisplayFlag = False then
DisplayCriteria = "Any Attributes"
DisplayFlag = True
DisplayCriteria = DisplayCriteria & " and Any Attributes"
End If
End If
SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY OrganizationName"
'Response.Write SQL
Set OrgRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
OrgRS.Open SQL,objConn,adOpenKeySet,3
TempRecordCount = OrgRS.RecordCount
Dim strAryUrl
Dim strValue
Dim textSelection
strValue = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
strAryUrl = Split(strValue, "/")
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<h1>Find a CDFI Results</h1>
<p><strong>Search Criteria</strong>: <%=DisplayCriteria%>.</p>
<% If Not OrgRS.EOF then
While not OrgRS.EOF %>
<div class="MPimgs">
<% If Len(Trim(ORgRS("ImageFile"))) > 0 then %>
<img class="MPlogo" src="../images/members/<%=ORgRS("ImageFile")%>" border="0">
<% End If %>
<!-- Insert WNA Images here -->
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "CARS Rated") then %>
<br /><a href="http://www.carsratingsystem.net"><img class="attribute" src="../images/cars_rated.gif" alt="CARS™ Rated" border="0" /></a>
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "10awardee") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/10awardee.png" alt="10 WNA Awardee" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "10finalist") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/10finalist.png" alt="10 WNA Finalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "10semi") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/10semi-finalist.png" alt="10 WNA SemiFinalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "09awardee") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/09awardee.png" alt="09 WNA Awardee" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "09finalist") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/09finalist.png" alt="09 WNA Finalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "09semi") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/09semi-finalist.png" alt="09 WNA SemiFinalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "08awardee") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/08awardee.png" alt="08 WNA Awardee" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "08finalist") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/08finalist.png" alt="08 WNA Finalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "08semi") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/08semi-finalist.png" alt="08 WNA Semifinalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "07awardee") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/07awardee.png" alt="07 WNA Awardee" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "07finalist") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/07finalist.png" alt="07 WNA Finalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "07semi") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/07semi-finalist.png" alt="07 WNA Semifinalist" border="0" />
<% End If %>
<% If Len(Trim(ORgRS("MemberProfile"))) > 0 then %>
<br /><b><a class="attribute" href="../store/Downloads/<%=ORgRS("MemberProfile")%>" target="_blank"><img class="attribute" src="../images/mpDownload.png" alt="Download Member Profile" border="0" /></a></b>
<% End If %>
<% If Instr(ORgRS("Attributes"), "CJ4USA") then %>
<br /><img class="attribute" src="../images/cj4usaAwardee.png" alt="Create Jobs for USA Awardee" border="0" />
<% End If %>
</div> <!-- End MPimgs -->
<p class="MPdetails"><%=ORgRS("Address1")%><br />
<% If ORgRS("Address2") <> "" then %>
<%=ORgRS("Address2")%><br />
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
<%=ORgRS("City")%>, <%=ORgRS("State")%> <%=ORgRS("ZipCode")%> <br />
<b>Phone:</b> <%=ORgRS("Phone")%><br />
<b>Fax:</b> <%=ORgRS("Fax")%><br />
<b>E-Mail:</b> <a href="Mailto:<%=ORgRS("EMail")%>"><%=ORgRS("EMail")%></a><br />
<b>URL:</b> <a href="<%=ORgRS("URL")%>" target="_blank"><% If Len(Trim(ORgRS("URL"))) > 50 then %><%=Mid(ORgRS("URL"),1,50)%>...<% Else %><%=ORgRS("URL")%><% End If %></a><br />
<b>Contact Person:</b> <%=ORgRS("ContactPerson")%>, <%=ORgRS("Title")%><br />
<b>Area Served:</b> <%=ORgRS("AreaServed")%><br />
<b>Organization Type:</b> <%=ORgRS("OrganizationType")%><br />
<b>Lending Type:</b> <%=ORgRS("LendingType")%></p>
<hr color="Black" width="50%" Align="center">
<% OrgRS.MoveNext
<p class="bodytxt" style="float: right;"><a href="/industry/industry_locator.asp">Search Again</a></p>
<p class="bodytxt">No results found from your search criteria.</p>
<p class="bodytxt"><a href="/industry/industry_locator.asp">Search Again</a></p>
<% End If %>
<td id="footCell">
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<% OrgRS.Close
Set OrgRS = nothing
Set objConn = nothing
让我知道您是否需要更多代码。我需要做的只是以某种方式从基于 URL 的数据库中获取信息......