We have a simple multiplayer table game that uses no networking connection. It has a pulsing animation which we want to play in sync with all other devices.

To do this I looked at NSDate -timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate to calculate a delay. Assuming all devices deliver the exact same value at the exact same time. But we found there is a difference of several seconds so this value is not very precise. Each device is a bit off from the true, correct time.

Is there an alternative, more precise way to get the time interval since reference date?


2 回答 2

double unixpoch = 978307200 + [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];


double unixepoch = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];`

两者是相同的。不过,记下该常量非常方便,因为如果您开始将时间存储在使用 的 CoreData 中ref date,并希望在 SQLite 浏览器中查看它,那么您需要知道此 SQL 查询的常量:

SELECT ZBATTERYRECORD.*, DATETIME(zclientcreatedat + 978307200,'unixepoch') from ZBATTERYRECORD

您可能想知道 978307200 是干什么用的。iOS 将日期存储为 2001 年 1 月 1 日之后的秒数,而不是 1970 年,因此添加 978307200 秒会将日期向前移动到纪元。

于 2013-11-11T21:42:37.603 回答




于 2013-09-01T21:29:29.050 回答