我以前也从未使用过信号、FFT 或 WAV 格式,所以这对我来说是新的、未知的领域。我将通道检索为以 44100 Hz 采样的有符号 16 位整数列表
- 在磁盘 .wav 文件上
- 从我的笔记本电脑播放录制的音乐
然后我通过一个窗口(2 ^ k)进行每个窗口,并有一定的重叠。对于每个窗口,如下所示:
# calculate window variables
window_step_size = int(self.window_size * (1.0 - self.window_overlap_ratio)) + 1
last_frame = nframes - window_step_size # nframes is total number of frames from audio source
num_windows, i = 0, 0 # calculate number of windows
while i <= last_frame:
num_windows += 1
i += window_step_size
# allocate memory and initialize counter
wi = 0 # index
nfft = 2 ** self.nextpowof2(self.window_size) # size of FFT in 2^k
fft2D = np.zeros((nfft/2 + 1, num_windows), dtype='c16') # 2d array for storing results
# for each window
count = 0
times = np.zeros((1, num_windows)) # num_windows was calculated
while wi <= last_frame:
# channel_samples is simply list of signed ints
window_samples = channel_samples[ wi : (wi + self.window_size)]
window_samples = np.hamming(len(window_samples)) * window_samples
# calculate and reformat [[[[ THIS IS WHERE I'M UNSURE ]]]]
fft = 2 * np.fft.rfft(window_samples, n=nfft) / nfft
fft[0] = 0 # apparently these are completely real and should not be used
fft[nfft/2] = 0
fft = np.sqrt(np.square(fft) / np.mean(fft)) # use RMS of data
fft2D[:, count] = 10 * np.log10(np.absolute(fft))
# sec / frame * frames = secs
# get midpt
times[0, count] = self.dt * wi
wi += window_step_size
count += 1
# remove NaNs, infs
whereAreNaNs = np.isnan(fft2D);
fft2D[whereAreNaNs] = 0;
whereAreInfs = np.isinf(fft2D);
fft2D[whereAreInfs] = 0;
# find the spectorgram peaks
fft2D = fft2D.astype(np.float32)
# the get_2D_peaks() method discretizes the fft2D periodogram array and then
# finds peaks and filters out those peaks below the threshold supplied
# the `amp_xxxx` variables are used for discretizing amplitude and the
# times array above is used to discretize the time into buckets
local_maxima = self.get_2D_peaks(fft2D, self.amp_threshold, self.amp_max, self.amp_min, self.amp_step_size, times, self.dt)
特别是,疯狂的事情(至少对我而言)发生在我的评论 [[[[ 这是我不确定的地方]]]] 的行中。