我在哪里读取带有 6 列(0-5)的输入文件
- 将变量 historyends 初始化为 5000。
- 接下来,当 column0 值 i,e job[0] < 5000 时,我将输入文件的 5000 行添加到一个列表(historyjobs)中,否则其余行直到另一个列表中的 eof(targetjobs)。
- 接下来所有的historyjobs 列出item3,item4,item5 中的所有内容等于targetjobs first list item3,item4,item5 当这个条件满足时将那些historyjobs 所有item1 添加到listsub。
- 接下来找到listsub中项目的运行平均值并反转列表,将其存储在列表a中。如果listsub中的项目> a * 0.9,则检查条件满足条件将结果项目存储在列表condsub中。
- 接下来重新打开输入文件并检查 column0 是否等于 condsub 中的项目,如果满足则将 column1 添加到列表 condrun。
- 最后打开输出文件并在colum0中写入targetjobs中第一个列表的第二项i,ej,在column1中写入列表condrun的平均值,column2是(j-avg)/j,column3是list condrun中的最大项目,column4是列表 condrun 中的最小项目,第 5 列是列表 condrun 的长度,最后四列是基于条件的。
最后,我通过将变量 historyends 分配给下一项 int(targetjobs[1][0]) 使用 while 循环重复整个过程
from __future__ import division import itertools history_begins = 1; history_ends = 5000; n = 0; total = 0 historyjobs = []; targetjobs = [] listsub = []; listrun = []; listavg = [] ; F = [] ; condsub = [] ;condrun = [] ;mlistsub = []; a = [] def check(inputfile): f = open(inputfile,'r') #reads the inputfile lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: job = line.split() if( int(job[0]) < history_ends ): #if the column0 is less then history_ends(i,e 5000 initially) historyjobs.append(job) #historyjobs list contains all the lines from the list whose column1 < history_ends else: targetjobs.append(job) #historyjobs list contains all the lines from the list whose column1 > history_ends k = 0 for i, element in enumerate(historyjobs): if( (int(historyjobs[i][3]) == int(targetjobs[k][3])) and (int(historyjobs[i][4]) == int(targetjobs[k][4])) and (int(historyjobs[i][5]) == int(targetjobs[k][5])) ): #historyjobs list all contents in column3,column4,column5 is equal to targetjobs first list column3,column4,column5 listsub.append(historyjobs[i][1]) #when if condition true add those historyjobs column1 to list listsub def runningMean(iterable): """A generator, yielding a cumulative average of its input.""" num = 0 denom = 0 for x in iterable: num += x denom += 1 yield num / denom def newfun(results): results.reverse() # put them back in regular order for value, average in results: a.append(value) return a #to return the value def runcheck(subseq): f = open('newfileinput','r') #again read the same inputfile lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: job = line.split() for i, element in enumerate(subseq): if(int(job[1]) == int(subseq[i])): # if the column1 value of the inputfile becomes equal to list obtained condrun.append(str(job[2])) #return the value of column2 which satisfies the if condition return condrun def listcreate(condrun,condsub): f1 = open('outputfile','a') #outputfile to append the result s = map(int,condrun) j = int(targetjobs[0][2]) targetsub = int(targetjobs[0][1]) if(condsub != []): try: convertsub = int(condsub[-1]) a=sum(s)/len(s) c=max(s) d=min(s) e1=abs(j-a) er1=e1/j g=len(s) h=abs(convertsub-targetsub) f1.write(str(j)) f1.write('\t') f1.write('\t') f1.write(str(round(a,2))) f1.write('\t') f1.write('\t') f1.write(str(round(er1,3))) f1.write('\t') f1.write('\t') f1.write(str(c)) f1.write('\t') f1.write('\t') f1.write(str(d)) f1.write('\t') f1.write('\t') f1.write(str(g)) f1.write('\t') f1.write('\t') f1.write(str(h)) f1.write('\t') f1.write("\t") if (float(er1) < 0.20): f1.write("good") f1.write("\t") else : f1.write("bad") f1.write("\t") if (float(er1) < 0.30): f1.write("good") f1.write("\t") else : f1.write("bad") f1.write("\t") if (float(er1) < 0.40): f1.write("good") f1.write("\t") else : f1.write("bad") f1.write("\t") if (float(er1) < 0.50): f1.write("good") f1.write("\n") else : f1.write("bad") f1.write("\n") except ZeroDivisionError : print 'dem 0' else: print '0' f1.close() def new(): global history_ends while 1: #To repeat the process untill the EOF(end of input file) check('newfileinput') #First function call if(len(targetjobs) != 1): history_ends = int(targetjobs[1][0]) #initialize historyends to targetjobs second lines first item mlistsub = map(int,listsub) results = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x[0] > 0.9 * x[1], itertools.izip(reversed(mlistsub), runningMean(reversed(mlistsub)))))#call runningmean function & check the condition condsub = newfun(results) #function to reverse back the result condrun=runcheck(condsub) #functionto match & return the value listcreate(condrun,condsub) #function to write result to output file del condrun[0:len(condrun)]#to delete the values in list del condsub[0:len(condsub)]#to delete the values in list del listsub[0:len(listsub)]#to delete the values in list del targetjobs[0:len(targetjobs)]#to delete the values in list del historyjobs[0:len(historyjobs)]#to delete the values in list else: break def main(): new() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
示例输入文件(整个文件包含 200,000 行):
1 0 9227 1152 34 2
2 111 7622 1120 34 2
3 68486 710 1024 14 2
6 265065 3389 800 22 2
7 393152 48438 64 132 3
8 412251 46744 64 132 3
9 430593 50866 256 95 4
10 430730 10770 256 95 4
11 433750 12701 256 14 3
12 437926 2794 64 34 2
13 440070 43 32 96 3
13 440070 43 32 96 3
14 440102 44 32 96 3
15 440357 43 32 96 3
16 440545 43 32 96 3
17 440599 43 32 96 3
18 440625 43 32 96 3
19 440999 84 32 96 0
20 441574 44 32 96 3
21 442667 7914 512 14 3
22 443249 45 32 96 3
25 443797 3260 128 68 4
26 443799 3746 128 68 4
27 445357 31 8 29 3
28 445393 31 8 29 3
29 445445 28 8 29 3
30 445488 29 8 29 3
930 1389.14 0.494 3625 977 7 15 bad bad bad good
4348 1331.75 0.694 3625 930 8 164 bad bad bad bad
18047 32237.0 0.786 61465 17285 3 325774 bad bad bad bad
1607 1509.0 0.061 1509 1509 1 6508 good good good good
304 40.06 0.868 80 32 35 53472 bad bad bad bad
7246 7247.0 0.0 7247 7247 1 9691 good good good good
95 1558.0 15.4 1607 1509 2 2148 bad bad bad bad
55 54.33 0.012 56 53 3 448142 good good good good
31 76.38 1.464 392 35 13 237152 bad bad bad bad
207 55.0 0.734 55 55 1 370 bad bad bad bad
column 0-->represents jobnum
column 1-->represents submittime
column 2-->represents runtime
column 3-->represents userid
column 4-->represents numberof processor
column 5-->represents queueid
我维护输入文件中的前 5000 行,因为某种历史读取第 5001 行比较其 col3、col4、col5 值是否等于 5000 行中的值。如果大约 20 行具有匹配值,则所有满足条件 col2 的行到一个列表。找到此列表的运行平均值并将结果存储到另一个列表 1。现在检查所有项目的条件(列表 1 > 列表 * 0.9)满足条件的项目将其添加到另一个列表列表 3。list3 中与历史记录中 5000 行的 col0 匹配的所有项目,将 col2 存储到 list4。现在我需要打开一个文件来写入最终 list4 的平均值。重复相同的操作,将历史记录增加到下一行,直到 EOF