我有一个用于在我们的系统中输入记录的脚本,该脚本最初可以使用 MsgBox 正常工作,但我添加了一个 GUI 来显示记录条目。现在脚本在第一条记录后停止。
Loop, read, C:\_AutoHotKey\AA_test.txt
StringSplit, LineArray, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Tab%
aaduedate := LineArray1
aauniqueid := LineArray2
aaprefix := LineArray3
aasequence := LineArray4
aadescript := LineArray5
aaelig := LineArray6
;Use these to test the file match in the Input File.
;Remove surrounding comments and surround the rest of the script up to the last brace.
SendInput, Prefix: %aaprefix% {enter}
SendInput, Sequence: %aasequence% {enter}
SendInput, Description: %aadescript% {enter}
SendInput, Eligibility: %aaelig% {enter}
SendInput, ID Card: %aaidcard% {enter}
;Pop-up validation menu
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y380 w100 h30 , &Submit
Gui, Add, Button, x362 y380 w100 h30 , &Cancel
Gui, Font, S14 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, x152 y10 w210 h30 +Center, Is the entry correct?
Gui, Font, S10 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, x102 y40 w90 h20 , %aaprefix%
Gui, Add, Text, x102 y70 w130 h20 , %aaelig%
Gui, Add, Text, x312 y70 w30 h20 , %aadescript%
Gui, Add, Text, x432 y70 w30 h20 , %aaidcard%
Gui, Font, S8 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, x132 y380 w230 h40 +Center, Click Submit/press S to continue. Click cancel to stop script.
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Show, x9 y250 h428 w480, Auto Action Validation
Gui, Submit ;
MouseMove, 630,55
Sleep, 100
SendInput, {Click 630,55}
SendInput ^S
按钮确实有效,单击提交将发送 MouseMove 和 SendInput。但在那之后它只是停止并且不加载文本文件中的下一条记录。