当您为文本字段设置最大长度时,微风会发回不正确的验证消息。我在我的字段上设置了一个最大长度,可以包含 100 个字符。当我超过这个微风时,返回以下验证错误:
'subject' 必须是少于 100 个字符的字符串。
'subject' 必须是少于 101 个字符的字符串。
'subject' 必须是不超过 100 个字符的字符串。
ctor.messageTemplates = {
required: "'%displayName%' is required",
date: "'%displayName%' must be a date",
string: "'%displayName%' must be a string",
bool: "'%displayName%' must be a 'true' or 'false' value",
guid: "'%displayName%' must be a GUID",
duration: "'%displayName%' must be a ISO8601 duration string, such as 'P3H24M60S'",
number: "'%displayName%' must be a number",
integer: "'%displayName%' must be an integer",
integerRange: "'%displayName%' must be an integer between the values of %minValue% and %maxValue%",
maxLength: "'%displayName%' must be a string with less than %maxLength% characters",
stringLength: "'%displayName%' must be a string with between %minLength% and %maxLength% characters"