我有下表使用 Javascript 来计算单元格的总和。当输入 Javascript 时,总数量相加并将其显示在 TD id="totalSum" 中。
如何让 PHP 读取 totalSum 中的数据,然后在等于 100 时执行 PHP?
<table id="mytable" width="394">
<col style="width: 50px;">
<col style="width: 60px;">
<col style="width: 110px;">
<th width="130" height="43"></th>
<th width="52">Weight Select</th>
<th width="181">New P</th>
<td align="center" width="130"> </td>
<td align="center">
<input type="text" size="2" value="1" id="qty_item_1" name="sum" >
<td align="center" id="total_item_1"></td>
<td align="center" width="130"></td>
<td align="center" >
<input type="text" size="2" value="1" id="qty_item_2" name="sum" >
<td align="center" id="total_item_2"></td>
<tr class="tr">
<td align="left" colspan="1"><strong>Grand Total:</strong></td>
<td width="11" align="left" id="totalSum"></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
var bIsFirebugReady = (!!window.console && !!window.console.log);
$(document).ready(function (){
// update the plug-in version
onParseError: function(){
this.css("backgroundColor", "#cc0000")
, onParseClear: function (){
this.css("backgroundColor", "");
// bind the recalc function to the quantity fields
$("input[id^=qty_item_]").bind("keyup", recalc);
// run the calculation function now
// automatically update the "#totalSum" field every time
// the values are changes via the keyup event
$("input[name^=sum]").sum("keyup", "#totalSum");
// automatically update the "#totalAvg" field every time
// the values are changes via the keyup event
, selector: "#totalAvg"
// if an invalid character is found, change the background color
, onParseError: function(){
this.css("backgroundColor", "#cc0000")
// if the error has been cleared, reset the bgcolor
, onParseClear: function (){
this.css("backgroundColor", "");
// automatically update the "#minNumber" field every time
// the values are changes via the keyup event
$("input[name^=min]").min("keyup", "#numberMin");
// automatically update the "#minNumber" field every time
// the values are changes via the keyup event
$("input[name^=max]").max("keyup", {
selector: "#numberMax"
, oncalc: function (value, options){
// you can use this to format the value
// this calculates the sum for some text nodes
$("#idTotalTextSum").click(function() {
// get the sum of the elements
var sum = $(".textSum").sum();
// update the total
$("#totalTextSum").text("$" + sum.toString());
// this calculates the average for some text nodes
$("#idTotalTextAvg").click(function() {
// get the average of the elements
var avg = $(".textAvg").avg();
// update the total
function recalc(){
// the equation to use for the calculation
"qty * price / 100",
// define the variables used in the equation, these can be a jQuery object
qty: $("input[id^=qty_item_]"),
price: $("[id^=price_item_]")
// define the formatting callback, the results of the calculation are passed to this function
function (s){
// return the number as a dollar amount
return "" + s.toFixed(2);
// define the finish callback, this runs after the calculation has been complete
function ($this){
// sum the total of the $("[id^=total_item]") selector
var sum = $this.sum();
// round the results to 2 digits
"" + sum.toFixed(2)