The setup

We have a .net mvc 4 web api service layer, that is accessed via a web app, which gets data from a SQL Server 2008 database.

The problem

When more than 5 GET requests are being made to the web service at the same time, a 500 Interal Server Error is returned to the web app. When I look closer at the .net error I see the following:

An error has occurred.
The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open

The C# service code where the exception is being thrown:

public class ImageLinkRepository : IImageLinkRepository
  private SqlConnection cnnSQL = new SqlConnection(...);

  public IEnumerable<ImageLink> Get(String userId)

            ImageLinks = new List<ImageLink>();

            // open connection to DB

                SqlCommand cmmSQL = new SqlCommand("nVision_select_lcimagelinks_sp", cnnSQL);
                cmmSQL.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                SqlParameter prmSQL = cmmSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter
                    ParameterName = "@LCIMGLINKUSERID",
                    Value = userId

                SqlDataReader rdrSQL = cmmSQL.ExecuteReader();

                if (rdrSQL.HasRows)
                    while (rdrSQL.Read())
                        ImageLinks.Add(new ImageLink 
                            // set new ImageLink object's properties    
                            imageTopicId = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKIMGTOPICID"), 
                            id = DBReader.SQLInt(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKPK"),
                            recordId = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKRECORDID"),
                            text = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKTEXT"),
                            topicId = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKTOPICID"),
                            topicItem = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKTOPICITEM"),
                            url = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKURL"),
                            user = DBReader.SQLString(rdrSQL, "LCIMGLINKUSERID")

            // close connection to DB

            return ImageLinks;

I have tried to manually close the connection if it is open and I have tried to only open the connection if its closed, neither of them work.

I must be doing something wrong, surely, the service should be able to handle simultaneous requests. What am I missing?


1 回答 1


You're likely exhausting the SQL Connection Pool. To start with you should be wrapping your SqlCommand, SqlConnection, and SqlReaders with using() statements to ensure they are correctly disposed of and closed.

The SqlConnection being constructed as a field means that your controller has to be responsible for Disposing of it. It's easier to construct it within the method, where it can be wrapped in a using() as well (otherwise you're class should implement IDisposable(), calling .Dispose() on the Connection in turn).

  using (var cnnSQL = new SqlConnection(...))
    using (var cmmSQL = new SqlCommand("nVision_select_lcimagelinks_sp", cnnSQL))
      cmmSQL.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

      SqlParameter prmSQL = cmmSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter
          ParameterName = "@LCIMGLINKUSERID",
          Value = userId

      using (var rdrSQL = cmmSQL.ExecuteReader())
} ...
于 2013-08-30T15:35:49.687 回答