I have an html string to work with as follows:
string html = new MvcHtmlString(item.html.ToString()).ToHtmlString();
There are two different types of text I need to match although very similar. I need the initial ^^
removed and the closing |^^
removed. Then if there are multiple clients I need the ^
separating clients changed to a comma(,).
^^Client One- This text is pretty meaningless for this task, but it will exist in the real document.|^^
^^Client One^Client Two^Client Three- This text is pretty meaningless for this task, but it will exist in the real document.|^^
I need to be able to match each client and make it bold.
Client One- This text is pretty meaningless for this task, but it will exist in the real document.
Client One, Client Two, Client Three- This text is pretty meaningless for this task, but it will exist in the real document.
A nice stack over flow user provided the following but I could not get it to work or find any matches when I tested it on an online regex tester.
const string pattern = @"\^\^(?<clients>[^-]+)(?<text>-.*)\|\^\^";
var result = Regex.Replace(html, pattern,
m =>
var clientlist = m.Groups["clients"].Value;
var newClients = string.Join(",", clientlist.Split('^').Select(s => string.Format("<strong>{0}</strong>", s)));
return newClients + m.Groups["text"];
I am very new to regex so any help is appreciated.