I am using jekyll with pandoc markdown plugin to render citations in static html pages. This works well with markdown text, but does not seem to work in figure captions that are transformed into alt-text in the final html.

Markdown example with a figure that needs citation in its caption (bibliography keys such as bibkey2013 are stored in a bibtex file that is specified in jekyll configuration options):

![Caption text with a citation [@bibkey2013] that does not get processed by pandoc.](figure-image-file.png)

My attempts to include latex commands inside the caption did not work either. Any suggestions on how to have pandoc process citations inside the caption?


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Turns out this was a pandoc issue, unrelated to the jekyll plugin. Newer pandoc version (1.11.1) renders citations in figure captions properly.

于 2013-10-08T07:12:09.920 回答