我正在尝试使用 ggplot 2 创建一个堆积条形图。我的宽格式数据看起来像这样。每个单元格中的数字是响应的频率。

activity                         yes    no  dontknow
Social events                     27    3   3
Academic skills workshops         23    5   8
Summer research                   22    7   7
Research fellowship               20    6   9
Travel grants                     18    8   7
Resume preparation                17    4   12
RAs                               14    11  8
Faculty preparation               13    8   11
Job interview skills              11    9   12
Preparation of manuscripts        10    8   14
Courses in other campuses          5    11  15
Teaching fellowships               4    14  16
TAs                                3    15  15
Access to labs in other campuses   3    11  18
Interdisciplinary research         2    11  18
Interdepartamental projects        1    12  19

我使用 reshape2 融化了这张桌子,


这是我所能得到的。我想创建一个堆积条形图,其中 x 轴为活动,y 轴为响应频率,每个条形图显示是、否和不知道的分布






1 回答 1



  • x 轴刻度线标签相互碰撞。解决方案 - 旋转刻度线标签;
  • 标签(及其相应的条)出现的顺序与原始数据框中的顺序不同。解决方案 - 重新排列因素“活动”的水平;
  • 要将文本定位在条形内,请将vjust参数 in设置position_stack为 0.5


    # Load required packages

    # Read in data
df = read.table(text = "
activity                         yes    no  dontknow
Social.events                     27    3   3
Academic.skills.workshops         23    5   8
Summer.research                   22    7   7
Research.fellowship               20    6   9
Travel.grants                     18    8   7
Resume.preparation                17    4   12
RAs                               14    11  8
Faculty.preparation               13    8   11
Job.interview.skills              11    9   12
Preparation.of.manuscripts        10    8   14
Courses.in.other.campuses          5    11  15
Teaching.fellowships               4    14  16
TAs                                3    15  15
Access.to.labs.in.other.campuses   3    11  18
Interdisciplinay.research          2    11  18
Interdepartamental.projects        1    12  19", header = TRUE, sep = "")

    # Melt the data frame
dfm = melt(df, id.vars=c("activity"), measure.vars=c("yes","no","dontknow"),
    variable.name="haveused", value.name="responses")

    # Reorder the levels of activity
dfm$activity = factor(dfm$activity, levels = df$activity)

    # Draw the plot
ggplot(dfm, aes(x = activity, y = responses, group = haveused)) + 
geom_col(aes(fill=haveused)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.25)) +
geom_text(aes(label = responses), position = position_stack(vjust = .5), size = 3)  # labels inside the bar segments
于 2012-08-13T00:12:11.167 回答