I have found many tweaks that I really want in this question (remove delay, show without specific combinations, just like Visual Studio): Is it possible to make the auto-complete in netbeans not depend on a key-combination?

However, in Netbeans 7.3.1, I found no Advanced Options, and I tried to type 'delay' in the search box, still no thing popped out. In a comment section, I found the solution to pop out the code completion without having to type something. But it still have delay, and it greatly reduces my coding speed compare to Eclipse.

Can you tell me where can I remove the delay in Netbeans 7.3.1?


2 回答 2


转到工具 -> 选项 -> 编辑器 -> 代码完成

然后,将语言更改为 Java 并检查子词完成。这允许部分关键字打开代码完成框,缩短延迟,但不会完全删除它。


于 2014-05-08T02:45:37.877 回答

消除代码完成窗口延迟的可靠方法是编辑 NetBeans 的 XML 配置文件。配置文件的位置因系统而异。

在 Mac 上:

~/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/8.2/config/Editors/text/x-java/Preferences/org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-CustomPreferences.xml

在 Windows 上:



<entry javaType="java.lang.Integer" name="completion-auto-popup-delay" xml:space="preserve">

重新启动 NetBeans。

这会将代码完成自动弹出的延迟设置为 0 秒。


于 2017-06-21T19:56:05.173 回答