我的目标是在 Heroku 上为环境“heroku_production”部署一个应用程序。
我的 Gemfile 看起来像这样:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '3.2.9'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
group :development, :test, :production do
gem 'sqlite3'
# This is needed in case this app is deployed in Heroku - in order to make the Heroku deployment independent from the production environment
group :heroku_production do
gem 'pg'
我将 BUNDLE_WITHOUT 变量设置为“开发:测试:生产”。这是调用时的输出heroku config --app my_app
=== my_app Config Vars
BUNDLE_WITHOUT: development:test:production
DATABASE_URL: postgres://XXXXXXX....
RACK_ENV: heroku_production
RAILS_ENV: heroku_production
但是当我将我的东西推送到 Heroku 时,BUNDLE_WITHOUT 变量没有被应用,正如您在以下错误消息中看到的那样(第 3 行:--without development:test):
-----> Ruby/Rails app detected
-----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.3.2
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin --deployment
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
Using rake (10.0.4)
Using pg (0.14.1)
Installing sqlite3 (1.3.7)
Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/local/bin/ruby extconf.rb
checking for sqlite3.h... no
sqlite3.h is missing. Try 'port install sqlite3 +universal'
or 'yum install sqlite-devel' and check your shared library search path (the
location where your sqlite3 shared library is located).
*** extconf.rb failed ***
An error occurred while installing sqlite3 (1.3.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install sqlite3 -v '1.3.7'` succeeds before bundling.
! Failed to install gems via Bundler.
! Heroku push rejected, failed to compile Ruby/rails app
To git@heroku.com:my_app.git
! [remote rejected] 3dac67374c268d3bf9e051a6db39efc56ae81c76 -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
Heroku 为什么要这样做?