在桌面上 Safari 的嵌入式视频标签中工作正常。谢谢!
在桌面上 Safari 的嵌入式视频标签中工作正常。谢谢!
我使用了小的 JS 片段:var lastTimePosition = 0;
$("video").on("timeupdate", function(){
//Time difference between last event handled and current position
var diff = Math.abs(this.currentTime - lastTimePosition);
//If difference more that 1 second, handle event (on iOS Safari this event handles 3 times per second. You can increase this parameter to be sure it will handle only on manual seeking
if (diff > 1) {
window.location = "video://currentTime:" + this.currentTime;
console.log("Time:" + this.currentTime);
lastTimePosition = this.currentTime;
在你的 UIWebView 或 WKWebView 上添加这个 JS 片段并监听更新。How to get callbacks in Obj-C from JS see
UIWebView: How to invoke Objective C method from Javascript and send back data to Javascript in iOS?
WKWebView:http ://www.joshuakehn.com/2014/10/29/using-javascript-with-wkwebview-in-ios-8.html