I have a lot of variables in the base workspace. I have a list of strings containing valid names. So let's say the base workspace contains the variable names var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, var9, var10 and the list of strings is a cell array equal to :

listParam = {'var4' 'var7' 'var10'};

Now, I want to check if the strings that are in listParam have a corresponding declared variable in the base workspace. Here what I have done so far :

function [compareCellArrayList] = test(listParam)
S = evalin('base','whos'); % Looks for the variables in the base workspace
listWorkspaceVariable = cell(size(S)); % Pre-allocate
for ii = 1:length(S)
    listWorkspaceVariable{ii,1} = S(ii,1).name; % Gets the variable name of each variable
compareCellArrayList = cellfun(@(x) ismember(x, listParam), listWorkspaceVariable, 'UniformOutput', false);

The code above is working correctly, but it's just that i have a feeling it could be simplified while still being easy to understand. Any ideas?


2 回答 2


您可以将第 3 到 6 行替换为

listWorkspaceVariable = {S.name};


compareCellArrayList = ismember(listWorkspaceVariable, listParam);


function [listWorkspaceVariable] = test(listParam)
S = evalin('base','whos'); % Looks for the variables in the base workspace
listWorkspaceVariable = {S.name};
compareCellArrayList = ismember(listWorkspaceVariable, listParam);


于 2013-08-29T15:55:24.283 回答

doesexist = ismember(listParam,{S.name})

于 2013-08-29T15:59:34.423 回答